Do You Have an Unhealthy Gut?
Roughly 70% of people in the United States experience gastrointestinal issues on a regular basis.
Are you one of them?
Upset Stomach
Food Intolerances
Constant Fatigue
Sleep Issues
Skin Irritations/Sensitivities
Autoimmune Conditions
Unintentional Weight Changes
Sugar Cravings/High Sugar Diet
Crohn’s Disease
Ulcerative Colitis
IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)
Celiac Disease
Peptic Ulcer Disease
Acid Reflux/GERD
If you struggle with these symptoms or disorders, you might have an unhealthy gut microbiome!
Often times people are so used to living with digestive issues and discomfort, that they might not even realize the greater threat they can pose to overall health and wellbeing. What’s more, they may not know how to address their digestive issues, which means that many digestive disorders go untreated.
In addition to digestive symptoms, our gut microbiome plays a role in many other aspects of our health, including:
Nutrient Absorption
Hormone Regulation
Bone Density
Immune Function
Insulin Sensitivity
Ability to Eliminate Toxins
Cultivating a healthy gut is vital to health and wellbeing. So how can you do that?
Top ways to promote gut health:
Drink Bone Broth
Eat Fermented Foods
Take High Quality Probiotic Supplements
Limit Processed Foods
Eat Prebiotic Foods
Manage Stress
Get Proper Sleep
Stay Hydrated
Limit Excess Refined Carbohydrates
Don’t Smoke or Vape
Avoid Excess Alcohol
Chew Your Food Slowly and Thoroughly
Eat Organic Whenever Possible
Limit Refined Carbs
Try Acupuncture!
Studies have found acupuncture to be an effective treatment for bloating, nausea, indigestion, and other digestive issues. Research has also shown that acupuncture can stimulate peristalsis in the intestinal tract, which can be helpful for people who struggle with chronic constipation. This Traditional Chinese modality has also been found to support the digestive process of breaking down foods - minus the excess gas that can cause bloating. Acupuncture is also very beneficial to balancing stress, which can play a role in digestive flare-ups.
In addition to digestive issues and stress, acupuncture is also used to treat a range of other health issues and imbalances, including hormonal, gynecological, neurological, respiratory, musculoskeletal, emotional, eye, ear, nose, and weight issues.
During a typical acupuncture session, your Maitland Acupuncturist will gently insert tiny, hair thin needles into specific points to promote balance and support your body’s natural healing abilities.
Schedule an appointment today at our Maitland Acupuncture office and start reaping the benefits of acupuncture and our other holistic wellness services!