Benefits of Goji Berries

Goji berries are a simple way to get more energy without drinking more caffeine. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Gou qi zi, enter the liver, lung and kidney meridians and enrich the liver and kidney yin, benefits the essence and brightens the eyes, and moistens the lungs. I buy them dried and add to your tea. They also are good for blurred vision, dizziness, sore back and legs, low-grade abdominal pain, impotence, consumptive cough, wasting and thirsting disorder. They are packed with tiny seeds and may be hard to digest for some people. Add to tea, Trail mix, chocolate or enjoy by the handful!
Goji Berry Tea Recipe
You only need 2 things to make pure goji berry tea:
goji berries (wolfberries)
hot water
For an extra boost of taste and health benefits, you can also add fresh ginger slices. If you prefer a little sweeter tea, raw honey is a nutrient-rich option.