Acupuncture for Cold & Flu
Imagine if you could enjoy relief from cold and flu symptoms:
Chills, Shivers
Nasal Congestion
Sore Throat
Sinus Pressure
Body Aches
Earache/Ear Infection
Sensitivity to Temperature
No one likes living with a cold or the flu, but when it strikes – as it often does this time of year – relief can’t come quick enough.
Patients have reported immediate relief from cold and flu symptoms in response to acupuncture.
Acupuncture works to boost the body’s natural defense system so that the immune system is better able to do its job: fighting against cold and flu. For many, acupuncture also works to alleviate cold and flu symptoms, often immediately. In conjunction with proper herbal and dietary support, acupuncture works with the body to balance and well-being.
When helping the body fight against cold and flu, acupuncture needles are inserted into points along the meridian that work to activate immune system functioning as well as suppress pain and other symptoms.
Acupuncture can also open up flow to allow the sinuses to drain, offering relief for sinus pressure and congestion.
Get your cold and flu symptoms under control with acupuncture and proper nutritional support. If you are in the Winter Park, Maitland, Altamonte Springs, or Greater Orlando area, contact The Points of Health to make your appointment.
Acupuncture Winter Park
Maitland Acupuncture
Serving the Greater Orlando Area