Acupuncture & Weight Loss
Acupuncture exerts a strong homeostatic effect that restore the body’s natural health balance of hormones, neurotransmitters, and brain chemistry to promote healing and well-being. One major benefit of acupuncture in this way is the stabilization of weight and eating habits.
Specifically, acupuncture works in the following ways to promote weight loss and balanced health:
Acupuncture restores areas of weakness or deficiency that can cause food cravings
Acupuncture can rebalance hunger cues
Acupuncture regulates hormones, including the stress hormone cortisol, the notorious belly fat hormone
Acupuncture promotes proper neurotransmitter functioning, including serotonin, which is responsible for appetite and satiation
Acupuncture promotes relaxation, calm, energy, and good mood
Acupuncture in conjunction with food therapy or health coaching can yield lasting health changes. This does not involve restriction, calorie counting, or fad diets, but rather education and support to help you replace negative habits with positive ones for sustainable weight loss and health. Learn more